During the excercises our joints and muscles are prepared for training session or relaxed after bigger physical stress.
Excercises with poles:
Excercises with poles:
- Warm-up excercises;
- Muscle stretching routines.
Muscles are warmed-up and moved around during the excercises. Heart rate is increased up to proper for nordic walking training session. It is recommended to do the excecises shown below for about 10 to 20 times.
Walking imitation
Knee bending
Waist twisting
Small lungle
Full lunge
Side lunge
Backward lunge |
Tiptoe to heel (toes raised above the ground) |
Rowing forward and backward
Swinging legs front to back
Swinging legs front to back
Lunge with jump
Figure of eight
Photos are taken from nordicwalkinginfo.com
- avoid muscle strain;
- warm up or relax;
- avoid muscle pain.
How to perform muscle stretching excercises?
- Stretch untill you feel a little ache in muscles;
- Hold the stretched position for about 10 to 20 seconds and release it quickly. Repeat it with a little bigger stress for 10 to 20 seconds once again.
- Relax, do not do sudden moves;
- Streching excercises should not be performed with pain.
Triceps streching |
Shoulder and deltoid muscle streching
Chest stretching
Waist and abdominal musle stretching
Thigh muscle tendon and calf stretching
Thigh muscle tendon stretching
Calf stretching
Quadriceps standing
Neck side muscles stretching
Neck front and back side muscle stretching
Hip muscle stretching by waist twist
Hip muscle stretching (knee does not reach the ground)
Hip muscle stretching (knee does reach the ground)
Groin region stretching
Gluteus meuscle stretching
Achilles tendon stretching by bending knees
Photos are taken from nordicwalkinginfo.com